What to catchup on 

Until the 19th century, all cells, especially in police stations, were like cages made of thick steel bars. Prisoners of that time did not have a problem finding the crossbar. However, after some time, in order to avoid cases of suicide, the walls and ceiling of such cells began to be made solid. Therefore, today prisoners can only pull themselves up in specially designated places. And you’ll have to find something suitable, too.

The human body adapts easily, so pull yourself up using any suitable object — a tree branch, a heating pipe, the edge of a balcony. If you want to practice at home, fix the horizontal bar in the doorway. They are cheap and can be found in any store. Something taller, like a pipe coming down from the roof, is even better, because you don’t have to worry about lifting your feet high enough. You can simply put a metal pipe on the attic door in the ceiling and perform leg lifts on it, among other things.

Nevertheless, the best equipment for pull — ups is rings. You can buy them, or you can just find rings that match the diameter of your fist, and a cable on which they can be fixed.

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Body weights and pull-ups

In pull-ups, you need to lift the entire body weight, and this is how they differ from other exercises. Literally, this means that every extra kilogram of weight you have to lift up. The more excess weight—the harder it will be to pull up and the worse your results will be.

Muscle weight is not a hindrance to pull-ups: if you have a lot of it, then it will be easier to pull up.

But if you are over 13 kg overweight, your chances of advancing beyond the Fifth Level are almost zero, unless you have crazy strength and use deceptive techniques. Otherwise, just keep working on pull-ups, paying as much attention to technique as possible, do other Big Six exercises, go on a diet — you will definitely succeed.


Pull-ups are the most difficult exercises in the Big Six system. Therefore, you will need more time to overcome all levels of difficulty. Squats and push-ups use only a fraction of your body weight, so you need less time to master them.

Slowly completing level after level is quite normal. Only one level can take months of hard work. And this does not mean that there is no result. Always remember: the slower the better, the greater the power. Each small step brings you closer to gaining strength and muscle. Always remember this, don’t run ahead of the engine.

Take your time doing the exercises. This rule applies not only to pull-ups, but also to all exercises of my system. Never forget that bodyweight exercises are an order of magnitude harder than all the other exercises designed just to demonstrate strength. True strength requires long, high-quality and monotonous work on the initial exercises. Rushing won’t make you any stronger.

All fans of the bodyweight training system were well aware of this fact, and therefore they were never in a hurry to take on new exercises. Rushing only leads to failures and disappointments. A slow pace, on the contrary, allows you to fully experience the exercise, the work of each muscle. Athletes analyzed each movement brick by brick, recognizing all the nuances — this is what professionalism is built on. Everything takes time — previously, athletes knew this and patiently gave the exercise as much time as it required. And when the appointed time came, they moved on to the next level. Cultivate this approach and it will pay off handsomely in the long run.

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A series of pull-ups

Many people, especially those who are overweight, shudder when they think about pull-ups. If you are also unsure of yourself or afraid — don’t worry. If you train with all the rules and precautions, especially at the initial stage, your muscles will “remember” the legacy of their ancestors and quickly “understand” what is required of them.

Fear in relation to pull-ups comes from a lack of understanding, or rather, a misunderstanding of their nature. With the word “pull-up”, people imagine full pull-ups (that is, full-fledged, on two hands). And if a novice athlete tries such a trick, they are guaranteed to fail, unless they are abnormally strong or incredibly skinny and light. Maybe it is because of the first bad experience that many people decide not to get involved with pull-ups, preferring to pull weights so as not to embarrass themselves. They are wrong. Few people know about the existence of exercises based on pull-ups. And some of them are much more difficult than the pull-ups themselves, and some are easier.

The training area contains ten types of exercises based on pull-ups. Classic pull-ups are on the fifth level of difficulty. Instead of immediately taking on the classic pull-ups, followers of my system slowly work through the previous four levels. Each level gradually builds up their strength, and by the time they’re ready for the classic pull-up, it doesn’t feel as scary as it used to. Having mastered the first five levels, do not stop there — the training program is not downloaded on classic pull-ups. The culminating exercise-the one-arm pull-up-is a desirable and quite achievable level!