Pull-ups on a horizontal

Pull-ups – this exercise is most often performed on a horizontal bar; working muscle groups: a complex of muscles of the arms (mainly forearms,biceps) and back (latissimus). The wider the hand grip on the crossbar, the more load falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles; the narrower the grip – the more load falls on the biceps. If you pull up, touching the crossbar with the back of your head, then the widest muscles stretch in width. And if you pull up, touching the chin, then the widest stretch even in thickness. With a narrow grip, with the palms facing you, the lower part of the widest, located in the waist area, receives an additional load.

Pull-ups are anatomically related to vertical deadlifts

How to learn to pull up 

And what to do if you can’t pull up even once? In this case, you need an appropriate training program or performing special summing exercises. However, it is important to remember that a properly performed pull-up involves more of the work of the back muscles, and not the biceps or other muscles of the arms.

Summing up exercises:

  • pull-up on a low crossbar,
  • partial-range pull-ups,
  • pull-ups with the help of a training partner,
  • pull-ups using harnesses

Pull-up technique

Grab the horizontal bar with an upper grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Hang on to the crossbar. Next, pull yourself up, while trying to touch the upper part of the chest of the crossbar. Pause for a second at the top of the amplitude, and then smoothly return to the starting position.

The wider the grip is used in the pull-up, the more round muscles are involved in the work, thanks to which the back is expanded. The pull-up grip should be with the palms facing away from you. If possible, it is best to use a stable bench or other support, the height of which is adjusted so that the crossbar is at chest level. While holding the crossbar, get down from the bench, bend your knees and smoothly lower yourself to the lower point, providing maximum stretching of the upper back. Before you get up, pause for 2-3 seconds so that the latissimus muscles are properly stretched before exertion.

Pull-ups should be performed until the crossbar is at the level of the upper part of the chest. See the exact technique of pull-ups in the video.

Pull-ups with weights

If you pull up more than 8-10 times in one set, then you should resort to the pull-up technique with weights. To do this, you need to hang an additional weight to the belt,

Weight pull-up technique: after strengthening the extra weight on the belt (see the video), take the starting position-hands on the crossbar with a grip shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, legs bent at the knees (not essential). As you exhale, start pulling your body up to the crossbar. Lift until it intersects with the chin and then return to the starting position.

Try to perform pull-ups smoothly, do not make sudden movements, they reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

Pull-ups – a training program for the home

No matter what you think about bodyweight training, no one will deny that pull — ups are cool. Who wasn’t impressed by Sylvester Stallone’s multi-height pull-ups in Rocky II? Probably my favorite episode with pull-ups is when the incredibly slender Linda Hamilton pulls herself up on the legs of an overturned bed in the movie “Terminator 2″.

Pull-ups have always been considered a sign of physical perfection. This exercise was performed to develop muscles and build strength. There is a lot of evidence that pull-ups were performed in ancient times by athletes, wrestlers and ordinary people-anyone who wanted to be strong. It is impossible to establish the exact date of the” invention ” of pull-ups, but researchers of human evolution claim that pull-ups were the most common movements of our ancestors, who did not have difficulties with moving through trees, as we do not have problems with walking. This simple movement-pulling up on a tree branch-will help us gain strength.

Despite their rich anatomical heritage, many trainees ignore the development of their back muscles. All the gyms in the world are similar to each other — everyone does nothing but rock the torso, arms and chest, and few people pay proper attention to the back. Probably because the back muscles are hard to see in the mirror. Since childhood, men are taught to push, push and push — this is how you can show your superiority in any situation. We push and punch in a fight to protect ourselves; in difficult times, we push ourselves to take decisive action; when necessary, we even psychologically push people.

But women, on the contrary, all attract to themselves — children, friends and other people. Men are supposed to be more independent, pushing everyone and everything around them.