Lying position, breathing, conscious contraction

In the beginning, it is necessary to pay attention to the basic things and make them as simple as possible.

Before the introduction, before the exercise itself, spend some time stretching the shortened parts – in this case, focus mainly on the area of ​​lumbar straighteners, hip flexors, but also pectoral muscles, the front of the shoulders and hamstrings.

Starting position: lying on your back, right angle at the knees, complete relaxation. Place your palms on the sides on the lower pairs of ribs and push medium. Take a deep breath at least 20 times against this pressure and try to pull in the ribs as far inwards as possible with the muscles of the abdomen.

After this exhalation, try to consciously keep it in the same retracted position after exhaling the ribs through the abdominal muscles, and still inhale.

Try basic reflexes when laughing and coughing, remember how the abdominal wall behaves, and try to maintain this feeling consciously.



Pressure or change of center of gravity in “unfavorable positions”

These are really simple things that you can try anywhere, and it’s mainly about experiencing a feeling that needs to be remembered. The second thing is a practical understanding of how the body’s core serves us.

Stand facing the wall with the correct posture completely against the wall – the forehead rests, the chest as well, we try to bring the buckle closer to the wall. Rest your palms next to your body against the wall and try to push as much as possible against it in this position without moving. It is not possible? And what does the abdomen do should work…

Another option is an ordinary stand – stand at shoulder width, it is important to keep the torso evenly between both legs – the distribution of body weight is 50 to 50. So your task? Raise one leg without moving in any way.

It is not possible? Of course, it doesn’t work, it would contradict the laws of physics, but still – try again and focus on the center of the body, what it does when you just try. Yes, even in this case we are strengthening.

Do you understand what this is about? After all, we can have the same feeling when standing biceps, when squatting …

We immerse ourselves a little more actively by asking for the help of sparring, or simply another person. The basic posture is the same as in the previous exercise and you will also join your hands in front of your body. Without moving again and transferring the weight somewhere, try to push with a colleague with the help of the joined arms in the correct posture. Hold on for a minute and really try and your stomach will burn like after a quality, normal workout.


Struts – various variants + reduction of support points

Or how to make stable positions unstable. Of course, we can also use various tools such as a barefoot or a big ball, as you can see in the photos. Again, conscious control of the activated area and proper posture are important. If we avoid moving the segments of the body when changing the center of gravity, we must lean on something, something that will hold us. You’re guessing right what it is.

Try to raise the arm and lower limb to different angles, you can try to spice up all the variants by closing your eyes, add a light load, raise two limbs diagonally.



Rise for the big ball

Another option is to add the device even more unstable, but it definitely doesn’t belong to the very beginning. We keep the center of the body stable and again we can start creating different movement patterns with the rest of the body.



Barefoot jumps

Like coughing and laughing, any impact and impact is a very strong stress on the center of the body having to try to balance everything.

When you try to land even more unstable, we have a completely different impulse.

As this is a very demanding dynamic form, pay close attention to the curvature of the back and the position of the pelvis.

Later, you can try the variant on one leg, or with your eyes closed, just jump from barefoot up and back and stabilize.

Ideally with rescue.



Rise, hands up

The last piece that we will try today will be from the classic or kneeling support, with the arms gradually moving almost to the upright, to the alignment of the body.

It is important again not to try to achieve maximum straightening immediately, but to pay attention to the correct position.

It is a kind of introductory chapter to the dynamic design with a strengthening wheel, which we will include in the program next time.

Of course, you can “spice up” all these exercises later with various aids and free loads, just remember that the technique comes first here.



The meaning of all this

All of these exercises should not become your daily training routine, but a guide on how to start thinking about your body, how to involve certain segments of it in common things that you already do in training. They are mainly a means of learning to activate, perceive and later routinely and unconsciously use what will support our health, increase performance and improve overall training.

The last theoretical note and training type for you is: always start in pairs, when a colleague will help you with the correction of your body, which is crucial in this case.