Basic principles of nutrition for beginners

Are you starting to work out and would you like to know how to do it? Do you want to eat better, but does it make it difficult for you to become familiar with sports nutrition? Are you groping for thousands of articles on weight training, diet and training? If so, the guide from our publishing house is just for you!

The author of this new publication is Ing. Jan Smejkal, editor of, whose articles are among the most read on our server. We believe that this publication will also find many supporters.

Below you can read an excerpt from this guide in the form of a few points of basic principles of nutrition for beginners!

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Basic principles of nutrition for beginners

  • Eat 6 to 7 times a day, whether you are gaining muscle mass or reducing weight, and in relatively small doses, at least every three hours. Muscles, if we want to ensure their growth, must receive their allocation of amino acids at relatively short intervals, because the body cannot store proteins – unlike carbohydrates and fats – in stock.
  • Eat about 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, which is more than twice the recommended amount for a physically inactive individual, but the functional component of muscle is protein and it can only be formed from protein ingested by food. Due to this amount, I recommend paying for the part with protein concentrates. Remember to give your last dose of protein at bedtime (for example, curd or a multi-component protein supplement).
  • A single dose of protein should be in the range of 20 to 40 grams of pure protein. If you look at the chapter on proteins, it’s clear to you why. However, in the case of proteins, it is necessary to look at individual differences twice (it is necessary to test by trial and error), because we each have a specific enzymatic capacity and ability to proteosynthesis, and what is small or adequate for one may mean an extra dose for the other!
  • Carbohydrates are the most variable component of food. In volume training, their amount reaches three to four times the protein intake. But if we want to reduce the level of subcutaneous fat, we limit the amount of carbohydrates, but never to the extent that the muscle is forced to draw energy from muscle mass. 100 to 150 grams of carbohydrates per day is the minimum amount that the body needs for the function of the nervous system. The basic source is polysaccharides (starches), which are digested slowly and gradually absorbed, which does not sharply increase blood sugar levels.
  • Emphasize a carbohydrate breakfast. Breakfast is the second most important meal of the day after a post-workout supplementation. It will give you energy, and if you train in the morning, two hours after breakfast consisting of, for example, oatmeal with yogurt, you will be figuratively “breaking dumbbells”.
  • Do not completely eliminate fat intake, but reduce obvious fats such as butter, lard and fatty meats, cold cuts and cheeses. By reducing them too radically, you would also reduce your cholesterol intake (necessary for the production of steroid hormones) to the extent that it could adversely affect your testosterone production. However, always keep in mind that fats supply you with more than twice the number of calories compared to carbohydrates, so their storage in fat stores is offered directly.
  • Remember to get enough fluids. Definitely do not drink less than two liters of water (in addition to pure water, mineral water or ionic drinks are also suitable in limited quantities). You should not count coffee, beer or other drinks with a more or less diuretic effect in this amount. Our body consists on average of 60 to 70% of water (with age the proportion decreases) and all biochemical processes take place in the aquatic environment. Any dehydration threatens these processes (for example, supplementing muscle glycogen after training) and leads to a reduction in athletic performance (if you sweat more than 2 percent of your body weight, this small amount will demonstrably reduce performa
  • nce).
  • And as I mentioned in the introduction about supplements, don’t rush to include supplements in your diet plans. Often, before beginners touch the dumbbells, they already ask about products that accelerate the development of muscle mass. In principle, I do not recommend any muscle development stimulants, at least in the first few months of training, with the exception of protein concentrates or gainers. First, you need to recognize your body’s natural potential, how the body responds to training efforts.

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